First Pelvic Exam: What to expect!

First Pelvic Exam: What to expect!

Painful? Uncomfortable? Let’s find out the truth about your first pelvic exam! As a pelvic floor specialist, I get my fair share of patients nervous about having a pelvic exam done, it’s their private area, they might not feel comfortable having someone...
Can Exercise Ward Off Cold and Flu Symptoms?

Can Exercise Ward Off Cold and Flu Symptoms?

As cold and flu season approaches, so does the season of illness prevention.  From getting flu shots to adding a little extra Vitamin C to our diets, prevention often becomes a focus for those concerned with getting sick, missing...
Walk your way to back pain relief

Walk your way to back pain relief

Are you experiencing tightness or discomfort in your lower-back? Try taking a walk.  Studies have shown walking to be effective in preventing, alleviating and even treating pain in the spine, a condition that according to the Centers for Disease Control and...
Be SMART when setting health goals

Be SMART when setting health goals

While annual statistics are bleak when it comes to the success rates of New Year’s resolutions, don’t conclude that goalsetting is a fruitless endeavor, says physical therapist. Simply resolve to set smarter goals.  “Setting small, attainable goals...