Vulvovaginal Pain & Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Pelvic floor muscles are very similar to other muscles in the body. These are relatively tiny muscles and so any deviation from their normal function can often cause pelvic pain and discomfort. Pelvic pain often presents a bit differently and can be experienced as vaginal, rectal, clitoral, testicular, or penile pain. We treat all of these symptoms with the goal of restoring patients back to their pain-free levels.


It is a big myth that only women suffer from pelvic pain. Men suffer too!! And we can effectively treat men for it. Men often see a pelvic physical therapy for testicular/scrotal pain and numbness, penile pain, chronic non-bacterial prostatitis, inguinal hernia scar pain, urinary incontinence that occurs commonly post prostrate surgery testicular/scrotal


Vulvodynia – Vulvodynia is chronic vulvar pain without an identifiable cause. Some women experience pain in only one area of the vulva, while others experience pain in multiple areas. The most commonly reported symptom is burning, but women’s descriptions of the pain vary. Some report pain feels like ‘acid being poured on my skin,’ while some describe it as ‘constant knife-like pain.’ There are two types of Vulvodynia which can also co-exist: Vulvar Vestibulitis Syndrome(VVS), also known as Provoked Vestibulodynia, is characterized by pain limited to the vestibule, the area surrounding the opening of the vagina. It occurs during or after pressure is applied to the vestibule, e.g., with sexual intercourse, tampon insertion, a gynecologic examination, prolonged sitting and/or wearing fitted pants. VVS is further classified as Primary or Secondary. Women with Primary VVS have experienced vestibular pain since the first at vaginal penetration. Women with Secondary VVS have experienced pain-free sexual intercourse prior to the development of pain.


For women with generalized vulvodynia (GV), pain occurs spontaneously and is relatively constant, but there can be some periods of symptom relief. Activities that apply pressure to the vulva, such as prolonged sitting or simply wearing pants, typically exacerbate symptoms. Some women experience pain in a specific area, e.g., only in the left labia or near the clitoris, while others experience pain in multiple areas, e.g., in the labia, vestibule, and clitoris. In the latter group, pain may also occur in the perineum and inner thighs.


Vulvodynia is chronic vulvar pain without an identifiable cause. Some women experience pain in only one area of the vulva, while others experience pain in multiple areas. The most commonly reported symptom is burning, but women’s descriptions of the pain vary. Some report pain feels like ‘acid being poured on my skin,’ while some describe it as ‘constant knife-like pain.’ There are two types of Vulvodynia which can also co-exist: Vulvar Vestibulitis Syndrome(VVS), also known as Provoked Vestibulodynia, is characterized by pain limited to the vestibule, the area surrounding the opening of the vagina. It occurs during or after pressure is applied to the vestibule, e.g., with sexual intercourse, tampon insertion, a gynecologic examination, prolonged sitting and/or wearing fitted pants. VVS is further classified as Primary or Secondary. Women with Primary VVS have experienced vestibular pain since the first at vaginal penetration. Women with Secondary VVS have experienced pain-free sexual intercourse prior to the development of pain.


Learn more about the services we offer at Dr. Amruta Inamdar in Westchester & Armonk, NY

Our Services

Dr. Amruta Inamdar

357 Main street
Armonk, NY 10504


Tuesday - Thursday:
9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Saturday & Sunday:

Phone: (914) 984-4599

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Are you suffering silently with pelvic pain, urinary incontinence or prolapse symptoms? Would you like to discuss your case with Dr. Inamdar?

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Our Clinic Hours

Tuesday - Thursday:
9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Saturday & Sunday:

Westchester County
357 Main street Armonk, NY 10504

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